Because I seem to have a latent streak of masochism, I installed Ubuntu (that is, canonical - no pun intended - Ubuntu, GNOME desktop and all) tonight. Canonical (the company) - and the Ubuntu/Debian family of distros in general, have their problems - for some reason, I've never liked the Debian package manager, apt; and Canonical's repeated attempts to foist proprietary software on us: Unity, Ubuntu One and the ever-increasing number of packages which sneak snaps, with its proprietary back-end, in through some door or other - are irritating, at best; but the Ubuntu family is probably the one you want to introduce your Windows- or Mac-loving friend to, if you *really* want to convert them to Linux. There'll be plenty of time for them to discover and use Arch later, btw. By mistake, I installed 20.04, the latest LTS, and I'm currently upgrading the distribution all the way to 21.10. And that's after installing the excellent ubuntu-mate-desktop, because whilst some o...